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Talking Heads – Kristoffer F. Sporon-Fiedler

Shot by Kenneth Pihl Nissen – Fashion Editor Denis Bjerregaard – Model Kristoffer F. Sporon-Fiedler at 95mgmt – Groomed by Ayoe Ness – Interviewed by Chelsea McPartlon // T-Shirt Martin Asbjørn

The life of a model is a bit chaotic, not always knowing when, or even where, you‘ll have your next booking. How has that impacted your daily life?
As I’m doing this full time, it doesn’t really impact anything for me personally. In fact, I’m ok with not knowing what tomorrow will bring, but it really affects my girlfriend and family. They can find it rather hard and stressful not knowing where I’ll be tomorrow or when I’ll be back home.
What do you do to manage stress? Do you practice yoga, blast music or take a walk?
At home, I skate a lot with my friends and hang out with my girlfriend and family. Just being outgoing and very social, with the people around me. They keep me grounded.
Small rural town or big city?
A big city. I love the buzz, the people, the variety.
Are you a big food enthusiast? What would your ‘last meal’ be?
Nope! I like food, but it’s not really a passion of mine. My last meal would definitely be the Danish national dish: ‘Stegt flæsk med persillesovs,- a traditional dish made of fried pork rinds, potatoes and a thick white gravy with lots of minced parsley.
What’s your biggest fear in the world?
I know it’s a cliché, but loosing someone close to me: a friend, a family member or my girlfriend.
What was the very first modeling gig you had? Were you scared and uncomfortable?
The first gig was an e-commerce shoot for Danish label WOOD WOOD. I was scared out of my mind! It was only 4 days after I signed with my agency.


Coat Jil Sander – Shirt Martin Asbjørn – Trousers Arket – Shoes Vagabond

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever been asked to do while modeling?
Singing for you guys! (Laughs, E.D.) Or wearing a tiara at a show in Paris, all the guys had to wear them and well, I hadn’t seen that coming.
If you opened your phone to show me, what app’s would I find? What application do you use the most?
I’m 19, so of course you’ll find Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and trueskate, that’s definitely the one I use the most. I play anytime anywhere!
Texting or phone call?
A phone call! Or even FaceTime. I like to hear or see the person, instead of just sending a text. It’s more personal and, when I’m traveling, I feel closer to them hearing their voice.
What’s your favourite book?
I’m not much of a bookworm but the best one from a while back must bee the biography about the Swedish footballer Zlatan.
What’s the last thing you do at night before going to sleep?
I brush my teeth and have a glass of water.
If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where’d it be and why?
New York City! Skate central, great shops, great people.
Favourite guilty pleasure?
Popsicles. I won’t even tell you just how many I can eat in a day.


Sweater Jil Sander

What items are on your fashion wish list?
The skate sneakers designed by Virgil Abloh for Louis Vuitton…but at $1,000 I’ll keep on dreaming a little longer.
What three values would you say are engraved in you?
Outgoing, great sense of humor, if I say so myself, and self-confidence.
If you could jump back, or to the future, what era would you choose to live in?
The 80’s! Hands down. Great clothes, nice cars, everything just looked amazing.
Do you have a ‘celebrity crush’? Who is it?
Jennifer Aniston.
What zodiac sign are you? Does it resonate with you at all?
I’m a Taurus. To be honest with you, I have no clue if it resonates with me! I’m not really into astrology.
Do you see yourself in the future doing something besides modeling? Or would you like to continue with it for the rest of your life?
Sure! I hope modeling will continue as long as possible. I gain great industry insight working as a model. I think I might stick around in the business. Maybe move on to design school, being a model agent’s assistant or something else design or modeling-related.
What’s your favourite song?
‘Famous’ by Kanye West.


Shirt and Tank Top Arket – Trousers Martin Asbjørn – Shoes Vagabond // T-Shirt Martin Asbjørn – Trousers Mfpen