The Greatest #23 –
The Imprint Issue

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Alongside other creatives, Filippo Scotti, young Italian actor, has given shape to The Greatest #23, reflecting on the concept of ‘imprint’. Discover our interviews with Fernando Lindez, Rhuigi Villaseñor, gIANMARIA, Elmgreen & Dragset and many more on The Greatest #23 – The Imprint Issue.

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Alongside other creatives, Filippo Scotti, young Italian actor, has given shape to The Greatest #23, reflecting on the concept of ‘imprint’. Discover our interviews with Fernando Lindez, Rhuigi Villaseñor, gIANMARIA, Elmgreen & Dragset and many more on The Greatest #23 – The Imprint Issue.

23-year-old Italian actor Filippo Scotti is one of the faces of The Greatest #23. For this feature, Filippo explored with us the concept of ‘imprint’, signifying a mark left on the world. When asked about the need for self-realisation, on which today’s society puts a lot of emphasis, and sense of inadequacy that comes from it, he said: ‘Trying to avoid this kind of thoughts, that’re the result of the frenzy characterising the society we live in, is a difficult yet important exercise. We actors tend to compare ourselves to the professionals around us quite a lot, but this is the best way to waste time and make the fear of being less than everybody else come true. I think we should give ourselves time, living our days in a different way. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we should waste our time, but rather find a way to change our approach towards it. That’s the only way for us to live more lightly’. The Imprint Issue features our conversations with Fernando Lindez, Filippo Scotti, Heliot Emil, Rhuigi Villaseñor, gIANMARIA, Giuse The Lizia, Elmgreen & Dragset, Edoardo Monti and much more, discover it now!

Alessandro Mannelli – Alexandre Haefeli 
Allan Hamitouche – Brendan Freeman – Brian Daly
Carlotta Manaigo – Carmine Romano
Eugenio Intini – Fanny Latour-Lambert 
Jack Johnstone – James Robjant – Kevin Rashid Giaquinto
Kristijan Vojinovic – Lara Giliberto – Lluis Camps
Marina Adam – Mark Shearwood – Mattia Pasin
Maya Skelton – Neville Dikgomo – Nicolò Parsenziani
Simon – Thomas Cooksey – Valentin Hennequ