The Greatest #27 –
The Symmetry Issue


Alongside a dynamic cast of international creatives, U.S. actor Nicholas Alexander Chavez has helped us reflect on the concept of ‘symmetry’ , bringing The Greatest #27 to life. Dive into exclusive interviews with Stefano Gallici, Jun Lim, Gustaf Westman, and many more on The Greatest #27 – The Symmetry Issue.

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Alongside a dynamic cast of international creatives, U.S. actor Nicholas Alexander Chavez has helped us reflect on the concept of ‘symmetry’ , bringing The Greatest #27 to life. Dive into exclusive interviews with Stefano Gallici, Jun Lim, Gustaf Westman, and many more on The Greatest #27 – The Symmetry Issue.

‘What does symmetry mean, and what is the value we give to this concept in today’s society?’ is just one of the questions we’ve asked ourselves and the creatives who’ve collaborated with us on the making of The Greatest #27 – The Symmetry Issue. ‘I’d say that I’m a perfectionist, but I think that perfectionism is an abstraction, you know? It’s something that’s very hard to manufacture and occurs in nature sometimes, which I think is interesting. It has to come from somewhere else, and this is why it’s helpful to think of actors as instruments. You’re not necessarily the one playing the instrument, it’s the creation of the universe that plays through you.’ said U.S. actor Nicholas Chavez when asked about symmetry. The Symmetry Issue features conversations with Nicholas Alexander Chavez, Stefano Gallici, Florentin Glémarec & Kevin Nompeix, Jimmy Kamhieh Loutfi, Jun Lim, Philippe Malouin, Gustaf Westman, and Matteo Oscar Giuggioli, as well as exclusive photo shoots lensed by Alberto Polo Iañez, Alessandro Oliva, Anne Piqué, Brendan Freeman, camilla riccardo studio, Carlos de la Reina, Emilia Staugaard, Francois Quillacq, Hein Gijsbers, Jack Belli, Jack Johnstone, Johannes Brauner, Leonardo Bornati, Luca Anzalone, Mark Pillai, Mark Shearwood, Maximilian Virgili, Nick Thompson, Nicolò Parsenziani, Oliver Marshall, Oskar Gyllensward, Paul Hempstead, Paw Gissel, Pepe Herreros, Pierre Crosby, Pietro Groff, Rami Hanna, Rasmus Weng Karlsen, Rupert Tapper, Thomas Cooksey, Thomas Valtin, and Yves Borgwardt. Choose one of the ten covers we’ve created for this issue, and get your copy of The Greatest #27 now!

Adrián Cuerdo – Aitana Valencia – Aitor Laspiur
Alessandro Oliva – Alexandra Alvarez Garcia
Andy Massaccesi – Ashton Hugh – Clara Nebeling
Elliot James Kennedy – Emilia Staugaard
Florence Mann – Gaia Bonanomi – James Weston
Lea Winkler – Mara Corsino – Marco Gehlhar
Marek Chorzepa – Mark Shearwood
Markus Pritzi – Mathieu Maury – Mattias Björklund
Nicolò Parsenziani – Paul Hempstead – Pepe Lobez
Stella Berkofsky – Tofjan – Victor Jacques Sebb
Yves Borgwardt