I follow all the sounds that lead me home.

The rain didn’t seem to cease. The pounding of the water beating on the pavement. The woods in front of his house created a symphony of their own. The water gurgling in the newly formed trickles, the droplets of rain falling from the trees and the distant creaking of the wood. He knew that he needed to get out there. The house was becoming too tight around him. The air was unbearable. He needed to get out. Something was dragging him outside the house. A strange lullaby played around him. Was it only in his head? He found himself outside his house. He felt the pebbles of the driveway underneath the sole of his feet. He forgot to even wear shoes, but it didn’t matter as he followed the lullaby through the woods. The grass was fresh under his feet, the air cold. His lungs inhaled and exhaled, the earth did the same, moving up and down at tempo with his diaphragm. The flowers oscillated to the sound of the lullaby as if they were alive. Their heavy heads swinging from left to right. The rejuvenating breeze danced around him as he laid on the ground. An ancient voice coming from an old unknown source whispered. ‘Welcome home’.

Credits: Still Life Art Direction by Sara Ferraris / Text by Francesca Jude Fusetti / Photo by Tiziano Demuro