Weave, Restore, Renew: The transformative power of craftsmanship
LOEWE’s Jonathan Anderson brings development and transformation to Salone del Mobile
From the 6th to the 12th of June, Palazzo Isimbardi will host LOEWE’s ‘Weave, Restore, Renew’, a project focused on a simple yet profound concept: giving new life to things that might be forgotten, or discarded, by repairing and reviving them.
At the heart of ‘Weave, Restore, Renew’, there’s ‘Repaired in Spain’; four artisans (Cuesta, Martìnez, Basteiro, and Marcilla, E.D.) who mended and repaired, in a kintsugi style, 240 baskets from all over the world, using leather ropes and making an example of sustainable creativity.
To celebrate the transformative power of craftsmanship, the brand also partnered with Young Soon Lee, a finalist of the LOEWE Craft Prize in 2019, who created a series of tote bags, resorting to the Korean Jiseung technique, that consists in finely weaving paper strings.

To celebrate the transformative power of craftsmanship, the brand also partnered with Young Soon Lee, a finalist of the LOEWE Craft Prize in 2019, who created a series of tote bags, resorting to the Korean Jiseung technique, that consists in finely weaving paper strings.

Credits: Text by Chelsea McPartlon – Photos by Simon