Shot by Antonio Dicorato – Fashion Editor Maggie Chao – Model Adrian Alvarez at I Love Models Management – Hair by Gabriele Marozzi – Make up Francesca Vinciguerra – Casting Director Isadora Banaudi
Describe yourself in one word.
What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
I check my phone, unfortunately.
Among your priorities, what’s the first between all?
I’ll always have to thank my family and, today, their welfare is my priority.
What’s your source of inspiration?
I have many sources of inspiration, but the first one is my mum. Work-wise, I’d say Pietro Boselli.

Total Look Paul Smith // Total Look Paul Smith – Socks Falke
Milan or Paris?
How do you think fashion can contribute to the environment?
It can contribute to the environment by implementing new styles or clothes based on non-biodegradable stuff and sending a message of no pollution or no hurting to animals.
Are you scared that time will take your beauty away?
Of course, I am (Laughs, E.D.)!
‘If I hadn’t become a model…’
I’d be studying to become an engineer or actor.

Total Look Paul Smith
There’s a travel ticket on the table, for where would you wish it was?
The Bahamas.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
The Bahamas, just kidding! Probably, in a big house with lots of kids.
What’s the last movie you saw?
‘Toy Story 4’.
What’s your favourite song?
‘Apeshit’ by The Carters and ‘La Tierra Del Olvido’ by Carlos Vives.

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