Shot by Dave Masotti – Fashion Editor Roberto Strumolo – Art Director Lavinia Feliziani – Model Akito Mizutani at Crew Model Management – Grooming Alessandro Pompili – Photographer Assistant Mattia Diodato – Casting Isadora Banaudi – Interview by Marco Martello // Coat C.P. Company – Shirt BOSS – Turtleneck PAUL SMITH
Who was your childhood hero?
Definitely, Gingaman!
Playing cards or video games?
Easy, video games!
Doing yoga or bungee jumping?
I’ve never done yoga, but I want to bungee jump so bad! Hopefully, one day I will.
What kind of candy do you like to eat on Halloween night?
I’m a candy lover. When I was a child, I couldn’t resist it…and I still love all kinds of candies!
Who was your teenage celebrity crush?
I’m not sure I had one. I’d probably say Johnny Depp, though.
How did you start your career in the fashion industry?
I got some appointments with a modelling agency, while I was still studying. I wasn’t confident at all, but I really wanted to model, as I’ve always loved it.

Jacket MSGM – T-Shirt ACNE STUDIOS – Turtleneck COS – Trousers CORNELIANI – Boots BALLY // Coat ACNE STUDIOS – Sweater C.P. Company – Sunglasses TOM FORD
What do you wear to a party with friends?
I don’t care so much about what to wear, I just put on something fun and not too sexy.
How do you take care of your skin?
I don’t use any products, I just wash my face very often with water.
What’s your lucky number? Are you superstitious?
3 is my lucky number. I totally believe in luck, and this number has always brought me good things.
How do you style your hair in the morning?
My hair is very straight and fine, so all I need to do is brush it.
What advice would you give your 13-year-old self?
I’d tell him not to be shy and to believe in himself. Always having fun!
If you were an exotic animal, which exotic animal would you be and why?
So hard to say! I’d probably be an eagle, as I’d love to fly! Nonetheless, I hate pigeons (Laughs, E.D.).

Jacket MSGM – T-Shirt ACNE STUDIOS – Turtleneck COS // Vest LE TASCA – Jacket CORNELIANI – Trousers ACNE STUDIOS – Boots BALLY
If you had the chance to travel in time, where would you go and why?
I’d go to the future, but not the near future…I don’t want to know what it’s going to happen in my life, I just want to enjoy it and not spoil the surprise. I’d rather travel to the very distant future to know what the next generations will do.
What do you miss the most about last summer?
To be honest with you, last summer was not that good due to the Coronavirus-related restrictions. Hopefully, the next one will be better!
What’s your favourite country?
Italy, I especially love Florence!
What’s your favourite song?
There’s so many! My favourite band is The Blue hearts, a Japanese group. I love all their songs!

Coat ACNE STUDIOS – Sweater C.P. Company – Trousers ONITSUKA TIGER – Boots BALLY – Sunglasses TOM FORD // Coat C.P. Company – Shirt BOSS – Turtleneck PAUL SMITH – Trousers FILA – Boots BALLY