Shot by Giuseppe Triscari – Fashion Editor Matteo Greco – Model Brad Alexander at Independent – Hair by Giuseppe Lorusso at Closeupmilano – Stylist Assistant Lavinia Feliziani – Photographer Assistant Bhagya Gaikwad – Casting Director Isadora Banaudi – Interview By Chelsea McPartlon // Shirt Marco Rambaldi – Tank Top Calvin Klein – Hat Fila
The life of a model is a bit chaotic, not always knowing when, or even where, you‘ll have your next booking. How has that impacted your daily life?
I suppose it’s made me quite comfortable – even enthusiastic, perhaps – about uncertainty. I tend not to plan things too far in advance, and recently I’ve felt quite strongly that this is a far more enjoyable and effective way to live. Especially these days, the world changes so fast, and you need flexibility to react appropriately to change.
What do you do to manage stress? Do you practice yoga, blast music or take a walk?
All of the above, but I also meditate and suggest that it’s undoubtedly the most effective at that particular task of reducing stress. When meditating, you can begin to see stress as observer, rather than being the manifestation of stress itself.
Small rural town or big city?
Easy, a big city when you’re young and a small rural town when you’re retired.
Are you a big food enthusiast? What would your ‘last meal’ be?
I guess I became one when I went vegan a few years ago. My last meal? A poke bowl. It’s the perfect trifecta of healthy, tasty and diverse.
What’s your biggest fear in the world?
If I told you, I’d have to kill you ! (Laughs, E.D.)
What was the very first modeling gig you had? Were you scared and uncomfortable?
Hmm, I’m not sure I even remember anymore. It might have been a presentation in a showroom? In which case there was probably no fear or discomfort, unless we’re talking about the discomfort created by drinking eight espressos in two hours just to pass the time.

Shirt Aspesi – Sweater Grifoni – Tank Top COS – Trousers Calvin Klein Jeans – Shoes Fila // Shirt Marco Rambaldi – Tank Top Calvin Klein – Hat Fila – Sunglasses Guess
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever been asked to do while modeling?
I could name at least five things all from working in Japan. One time, they handed me a paint roller and asked me to pretend I was painting a wall that didn’t exist.
If you opened your phone to show me, what app’s would I find? What application do you use the most?
I actually started tracking my screen time recently, in an attempt to reduce my phone usage. My most used apps were Reddit and Instagram.
Texting or calling?
I’m a millennial, so texting of course.
What’s your favourite book?
‘Meditations’ by Marcus Aurelius.
What’s the last thing you do at night before going to sleep?
In ideal circumstances, I meditate. More often though, it’s listening to a podcast.
If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where’d it be and why?
I went to Barcelona for the first time before the Coronavirus really began. It might be the perfect city.
Favourite guilty pleasure?
I make a conscious effort not to feel guilty about the things that bring me genuine joy. Having said that, I genuinely appreciate the music of Michael Bublé and I feel as if that’s something I shouldn’t be overly proud of.

Shirt Marni – Sweater Aspesi – Trousers PS Paul Smith – Shoes Corneliani – Sunglasses Guess // Shirt Aspesi – Sweater Grifoni – Tank Top COS – Trousers Calvin Klein Jeans – Shoes Fila
What items are on your fashion wish list?
I’d love to be the kind of guy who could confidently pull off a kimono. It’s a bold move though, and I’m not sure the world is ready for that.
What three values would you say are engraved in you?
Compassion first. There are two kinds of things that have an effect on your emotional well-being: things that are within your control, and things that aren’t. You should concern yourself only with the former, and try to disregard the latter. Everyone has trauma, act accordingly.
If you could jump back, or to the future, what era would you choose to live in?
I’m endlessly fascinated by Leonardo Da Vinci, the original renaissance man. I write this from Milano, and walking past Santa Maria Della Grazie it’s amazing to consider that he strolled about those same streets. That’s a mind I’d love to examine. I suppose I’d have to brush up on my Italian though! (Smiles, E.D.)
Do you have a ‘celebrity crush’? Who is it and why?
Laura Harrier. No explanation necessary.
What zodiac sign are you? Does it resonate with you at all?
I’m a Sagittarius, as to what that really means I don’t know if I believe any of it, or if it’s all nonsense.
Do you see yourself in the future doing something besides modeling? Or would you like to continue with it for the rest of your life?
Yes, absolutely. My life won’t be defined by one thing. Right now I’m a writer, business owner and, very recently, actor. I hope to have a whole new set of titles in five years. Life is meant to be lived to its very fullest. I’ll never settle.
What’s your favourite song?
‘Stay’ by Mac Ayres.

Total Look Givenchy // Shirt Marco Rambaldi – Tank Top Calvin Klein – Hat Fila