Photographer Francesca Mescino – Fashion Editor Francesco Migliaccio – Model Frans Van Der Vlugt at Why Not – MakeUp Giuly Valent – Hair Marco Steri – Casting Director Costanza Carozzo – Interview Barbara Maestri // Suit Kenzo
What was your very first job as a model? What were your feelings towards it?
My show debut was for Prada Exclusive in Milan. It was my very first fashion week and the subways were on strike, it was chaotic to get anywhere. But I felt excited because of my many appointments. The moment before my first fashion show I was not tense, as I always believe that even if everything goes wrong, it will turn fine. I was finally catching my moment, after rehearsing and practicing very hard at home for a long time. So I thought “Go big or go home!”.
Do you like your name? Is it linked to a particular person before you or does it have another origin?
I love my name. I inherited it from my grandfather. I’m proud to have his name because he was a great father and a formidable pilot. Achieving my life’s goals with our shared name is a way to honour his legacy.
A smell that reminds you of home.
The smell of baking my favourite pancakes reminds me of home. When I was in primary school my mom used to cook them when I achieved a significant result. Like when I learned how to swim or to ride a bicycle.
What’s your recurring dream?
I don’t have a recurring dream. But my dreams have gotten a lot crazier in the recent months, during pandemic situation. For example, last week I had this dream of starting a revolution. While the week before I was talking to cows.
If you had to decide, would you choose to change your past or control your future?
I would prefer to control the future. Because nowadays I can’t even say if the next year I’ll be able to continue traveling or studying as I did normally.

Suit MSGM – Jacket Paul Smith – Trousers Marni // Suit Kenzo
Is there a movie, or a book, that marked your life in some way?
It has been some time since I have enjoyed a thing such as a book or a film. But I read a work by Sigmund Freud, “Civilisation and Its Discontents”. The author explains what drives people to certain actions. By this reading I learned that decisions are actually based on emotions, they are not logical. I keep in mind this lesson throughout my daily life. For example, when something is really tempting, I keep myself in line with Freud.
Right now, what point in your career do you think you’ve reached?
I’m very happy with my current career. I feel really privileged since I work with the best brands and players in the fashion world. My desire is to explore the world and to work facing more continents, not only Europe, and meeting new people and cultures.
Do you have a secret diary where you put down your thoughts?
I don’t have a daily diary. But I do write something down when I have a bad day. It helps me to unload my mind.
Who’s the first person you call when you get good or bad news?
For good and bad news I call whoever comes to my mind first. Generally I chat with my eldest brother about this and that. I ask him for lots of advice and I update him on how things turn out.
Would you ever go bungee jumping?
Bungee jumping would not be my favourite sport to do. I would have to lose a bet to try that. I’m scared of roller coasters and heights!
Do you like gardening? Are you any good at it?
I’m not keen on gardening. I actually love reading sitting down in parks and gardens. Listening to birds and nature sounds brings me a peaceful mood.

Trousers Marni // Jacket Marni
Do you have any rituals before a fashion show?
I take a deep breath to mentally prepare myself. After that I feel completely focused, like I’m entering another state of mind.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Listening to techno music and acting like I’m at a festival on my own. My neighbours don’t always appreciate it…
Are you a messy or super organised guy?
I’m messy when it comes to doing chores while I’m organised in rescheduling them.
Tell me the happiest memory from your childhood.
I remember being super happy when I performed in the school musical show. It was really my passion at the time.
If you found Aladdin’s lamp, what would you ask for?
I would ask for the Coronavirus to disappear and for all the festivals to take place next summer.

Suit Kenzo // Suit MSGM – Jacket Paul Smith – Trousers Marni – Shoes Kenzo