Photographer Alex Domingo – Fashion Editor Antia Bellas – Model Harry Ryan at Elite Model World – Grooming by Ruth Guerrero – Casting by Pili Machridachis – Interview by Francesco Dossi // Cardigan Edward Cuming – Shirt and Skirt Paloma Wool

Total Look Études x Batia Super – Bag Hereu // Blazer and Stripes Shirt Céline Homme – Brown Shirt and Trousers Édward Cuming
When in front of a buffet, what do you choose? Sweet, savory or both?
Savory, but then I always need a sweet treat after.
Who or what inspires you the most in life?
Knowing that what I do and the steps I take are molding me into a new person. In the past few years, I have had the opportunity to gain many new experiences and take advantage of many opportunities. The whirlwind has been intense, but seeing the progress I’ve made motivates me to go further.

Total Look Céline Homme // Brown Shirt and Trousers Édward Cuming – Stripes Shirt Céline Homme
In your opinion, what makes a good person?
I believe a good person is someone who’s always willing to serve the truth, especially when they may benefit from dishonesty. Knowing how your energy is being received and reciprocating positive energy makes us better communicators, which in turn helps us become better people.
What’s your best summer memory?
I think this recent summer. It was late August, and I was on my connecting ferry from Mykonos. I was totally free in the Cyclades after a hectic show season, and I had just completed my first year of university. The wind was blowing hair across my face and the sun was setting slowly, sending thousands of shimmering rays across the ocean. It was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was bleeding into the sky, creating a comforting warm hue that eventually settled, revealing a ceiling of twinkly stars. I was so tired but refused to sleep because of the amazement of the surrounding beauty.

Total Look Rier // Total Look Rier
If you could change anything in the world, what would it be?
Conscience and honesty. In my opinion, we all have the potential to do more than we realize.
What do you love the most about your modelling career thus far?
I’ve had some amazing opportunities, but I’d have to say my favourite so far has been the possibility to meet and connect with so many new people across multiple industries. Because of it, I’ve met some of my new best friends and visited some gorgeous places. I’m very grateful.

Total Look Céline Homme // Cardigan And Trousers Edward Cuming – Shirt and Skirt Paloma Wool – Shoes Hereu
Tell me a time you felt brave.
During my first fashion week in Paris. I was in the city for the first time and was really confused by the metro system (which I can now take with my eyes closed). I ended up walking from Gare du Nord to my apartment, about an hour’s walk, dragging a massively heavy suitcase all the way. When I arrived, I noticed I had dropped a jacket on the way and was so sad because I had no way of recovering it or knowing where it was. I had also grown intensely hungry and didn’t trust my French speaking ability enough to order something over the phone. About an hour later, someone knocked on my door: it was two guys, who would become some of my dearest friends. We talked for a while and shared some modelling stories. As it was my first fashion week, I was quite nervous, and I think they sensed it. We kept talking, watched a couple of Top Boy’s episodes, and then ordered food. By the end of the night, I was feeling much braver, and that feeling stayed with me through the whole week, helping me land the shows. To Kelvin and Andrew: thank you so much!
What’s your favourite song?
‘Little Wing’ by Jimi Hendrix.