Shot by Pavel Golik – Fashion Editor Diletta Ariano – Grooming Davide Marrone – Casting Isadora Banaudi – Fashion Assistant Benedetta Paganini // Total Look Prada
New or recycled?
What’s your spirit animal?
A tiger.
Car or bike?
Are you into reading?
Yes, I am.
What do you have for breakfast?
I always have egg whites, yoghurt, fruits and rusk with jam.
Are you into thrift shopping?
No, I’m not.

Coat Bally – Suit Andrea Pompilio – Shirt Rold Skov // Coat COS – Suit Tagliatore – Shirt Boss – Shoes Comeforbreakfast
Has your personal style changed since you started modeling?
Yes, of course. Nowadays, I care about my looks, style and appearance way more than I used to.
How did you first get into modeling?
Well, by looking at a fashion magazine that belonged to my father. I was 14 years old, and some of the pictures really impressed me: I found art in those images.
What’s that one thing you had to wear for a job and wished you could bring home?
A Versace total look.
If you weren’t a model, what would you be?
I’d be an artist.
Do you have any style-related advice on how to stand out from the crowd?
Just be yourself and dress as you like, creatives will admire your confidence!
Any childhood nicknames?
No, not really.

Coat and Suit COS – Shoes Santoni – Socks Pal Zileri // Jacket and Shirt Versace
Do you have any ‘secret talents’?
I’m very good at doing trick shots.
What’s your favourite pastime?
My favourite pastimes are singing, composing and producing music.
If your life was a movie. Who would play you?
Hands down, it’d be the movie character James Bond.
As there are lots of misconceptions about modeling, I’d like to ask you what the best (and worst) part of your job really is.
Modeling isn’t a job, it’s a mindset. However, a model has to match the needs of the fashion industry and, sometimes, it isn’t easy to get and accept the rules.
What’s your favourite song?
My favourite songs are ‘Day ’N’ Nite’ by Kid Cudi and ‘Lose My Mind’ by myself.

Total Look Gucci // Total Look Versace