Shot by Alessandro Oliva – Fashion Editor Matteo Greco – Grooming Luigi Morino at Close Up Using Toni&Guy Italia – Casting Director Isadora Banaudi – Photo Assistant Alessio Keilty – Grooming Assistant Manuel Ian Farro – Fashion Assistant Anushka Jain // Shirt Ps by Paul Smith – Trousers Sandro
Describe yourself in one word.
What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
I love to start my day with a bitter coffee and a cigarette.
Among your priorities, what’s the first between all?
Fairness and equality play a strong role. In my opinion, everyone deserves the same opportunities and meritocracy needs a bigger spot today. We need to destroy the social pyramid where the rich are on top and poor at the bottom.
What’s your source of inspiration?
Music. I took piano lessons for eleven years and, for me, it was a way to find a release from stress and negative emotions.

Shirt, Jumper and Trousers Corneliani – Shoes Sebago – Tie Paul Smith // Jumper Gant – Shirt and Tie Corneliani
Milan or Paris?
I like Milan because it reminds me of home, but Paris has been great in terms of work and it makes me happy about my career.
How do you think fashion can contribute to the environment?
Designers have a lot of impact on what they put out with their work and that’s one way designers can create awareness amongst people.
Are you scared that time will take away your beauty?
I’m not scared about that. we should be scared of the lifestyle we choose. If we live a unhealthy lifestyle, our beauty can vanish.
“If I hadn’t become a model…”
Probably a psychologist, because I love to analyze the human behaviour and the reason why people do what they do.

Shirt Ps by Paul Smith – Trousers Sandro – Shoes Sebago
There’s a travel ticket on the table, for where would you wish it was?
Peru, I’m fascinated by the Shamanic and psychedelic culture and would like to experience it firsthand.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I’d probably finish modeling and work towards a new direction, which I’m yet to think of.
What’s the last movie you saw?
‘7 Psychopaths’.
What’s your favourite song?
‘Don’t stop me now’ by Queen.

Shirt and Jumper Corneliani – Tie Paul Smith // Jacket Ps by Paul Smith – Jumper Corneliani – Glasses Moncler