Model Lamine Faty at The Claw – Shot by Lorenzo Paino Fernandez – Stylist Glen Mban – Groomed by David Lenhardt at The Art Board agency – Interviewed by Chelsea McPartlon // Shirt Egon Lab – Suit Givenchy – Sweater Ami – Tie Boramy Vivier – Cap Stylist’s own
The life of a model is a bit chaotic, not always knowing when, or even where, you‘ll have your next booking. How has that impacted your daily life?
The modeling life and all the disadvantages have really impacted my social and personal life, at a time I never imagined.
What do you do to manage stress? Do you practice yoga, blast music or take a walk?
I take a walk and listen to music.
Small rural town or big city?
Big city, it’s better!
Are you a big food enthusiast? What would your ‘last meal’ be?
My last meal would absolutely be a burger, with some sort of potatoes and a glass of water.
What’s your biggest fear in the world?
Losing my mother would be brutal.
What was the very first modeling gig you had? Were you scared and uncomfortable?
It was the Louis Vuitton fashion show. I felt so scared and uncomfortable all day long!

Shirt Dries Van Noten – Tie and Shoes Balenciaga – Trousers Sankuanz
If you opened your phone to show me, what app’s would I find? What application do you use the most?
Snapchat, it’s addicting! Maybe, Facebook as well.
Texting or calling?
A phone call, it’s closer to the real thing.
What’s your favourite book?
‘Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince’ by J.K. Rowling.
What’s the last thing you do at night before going to sleep?
I watch TV and call my crush.
If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where’d it be and why?
In the U.S. and, more specifically, in Miami. That’s my dream!
Favourite guilty pleasure?
Indulging in greasy McDonald’s in my car.

Top Egon Lab – Blazer, Belt and Shoes Balenciaga – Trousers Ami – Cap Stylist’s own
What items are on your fashion wish list?
Louis Vuitton’s 2054 sneakers.
What three values would you say are engraved in you?
Respect for everyone, not being hypocritical towards myself or others, and always bringing joy into life.
Do you have a ‘celebrity crush’? Who is it and why?
Ariana Grande, because she has a really beautiful face.
What zodiac sign are you? Does it resonate with you at all?
I honestly don’t now, I’m not very interested in astrology.
Do you see yourself in the future doing something besides modeling? Or would you like to continue with it for the rest of your life?
I’m not sure, but I’d like to continue modeling, as it’s a job I enjoy right now.
What’s your favourite song?
‘Adios’ by Leto.

Suit Berluti – Shoes Balenciaga – Corset Stylist’s own