Shot by Antonino Cafiero – Fashion Editor Riccardo Terzo – Model Martijn Faaij at Why Not – Grooming Gabriele Marozzi – Fashion Assistant Vittoria Santarelli – Casting Isadora Banaudi – Interview Chelsea McPartlon – Special Thanks To Opal Studio // Shirt Federico Cina
The life of a model is a bit chaotic, not always knowing when, or even where, you‘ll have your next booking. How has that impacted your daily life?
A lot, you have to be reachable at all times. Also making plans is really difficult, because you never know if and when you’ll be abroad for work. For instance, in 2019 my parents and brother were supposed to visit me in New York City but when they came I was working in Milan, so I completely missed them.
What do you do to manage stress? Do you practice yoga, blast music or take a walk?
To be honest with you, this work doesn’t make me really stressed, I’m a calm person and have enough time and freedom to take a step back if I need to do so. That said, blasting music is always a good idea (Smiles, E.D)!
Small rural town or big city?
Easy one, big city!
Are you a big food enthusiast? What would your ‘last meal’ be?
Not, not really. I like to eat in nice restaurants, but I don’t enjoy cooking for hours: an easy pasta bolognese will make me happy.
What’s your biggest fear in the world?
I don’t have a lot of fears, I believe that everything happens for a reason and you never know what will happen, so why waste time worrying about certain things?
What was the very first modeling gig you had? Were you scared and uncomfortable?
It was the Saint Laurent show in 2018 in New Jersey. Before it was my turn to walk out, I was completely stressed out, but the moment I came on out, I forgot the stress and just enjoyed myself as much as I could.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever been asked to do while modeling?
Probably, something nudity-related.

Total Look Ermenegildo Zegna // Shirt Federico Cina – Trousers Ermenegildo Zegna
If you opened your phone to show me, what app’s would I find? What application do you use the most?
Whatsapp, Instagram, Uber Eats and Spotify.
Texting or calling?
Calling, but I like texting for certain matters too.
What’s your favourite book?
I’m not really into reading books but last year I read ‘The Da Vinci Code’ by Dan Brown and I loved it, so probably that one.
What’s the last thing you do at night before going to sleep?
Check my Instagram, E-mails and WhatsApp.
If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where’d it be and why?
I feel like it’d be somewhere in my home country, the Netherlands!
Favourite guilty pleasure?
Eating desert before dinner (Smiles, E.D).
What items are on your fashion wish list?
The new Nike Supreme shoes and for the longest time I’ve been looking for a nice gold chain necklace.

Suit Grifoni – Top Emporio Armani – Shoes Model’s Own // Total Look Fendi
What three values would you say are engraved in you?
Reliability, commitment and respect.
If you could jump back, or to the future, what era would you choose to live in?
I’d definitely like to take a look back during the time of hippies, disco and house music. So, what year was that? The 70’s and 80’s, I guess.
Do you have a ‘celebrity crush’? Who is it and why?
Ariana Grande. Ever since her days back on Nickelodeon, she’s been my celebrity crush. So, Ariana if you’re reading this, call me (Laughs, E.D.)!
What zodiac sign are you? Does it resonate with you at all?
My sign is Cancer. I’m not sure what it says about me since I’m not into astrology at all.
Do you see yourself in the future doing something besides modeling? Or would you like to continue with it for the rest of your life?
I think it’ll be pretty difficult to do this for the rest of my life, I don’t know yet what I’d like to do afterwards.
What’s your favourite song?
That’s impossible to answer! Anyhow, two artists that I really like are Eminem and J. Cole.

Jacket and Vest Ermenegildo Zegna – Trousers Fendi // Total Look Emporio Armani