Shot and Art Directed by Jon Bronxl – Fashion Editor Ariel Câmara Bretas – Model Mohamed Ben Salem at Next Models Milan – Grooming by Martina Russo – Photographer Assistant Laurent Bentil – Stylist Assistant Silvia Cecilia Guastella– Interview by Barbara Maestri // Jacket and Shirt Marni – Accessories Garçon De Famille
What was your very first job as a model? What were your feelings towards it?
My first job was for Sansovino 6. On that occasion I felt very out of place, just like during the first show, and I had no idea what I was doing. However, as soon as I started, I became confident: I realised that if I was there, there was a reason. So, I though to myself “Go rock it!”.
Do you like your name? Is it linked to a particular person before you or does it have another origin?
My name, Mohamed, has a long history behind it. I got it from my paternal grandfather.
A smell that reminds you of home.
I’d say two smells…the scent of clean laundry and Lasagna!
What’s your secret dream?
I’ve always had a single dream and goal, that’s to live in a huge house with all the dearest people in my life.
If you had to decide, would you choose to change your past or control your future?
Honestly, I wouldn’t choose either of them. I like my life. Right now where I am at this point I like and I’d like to face the future day by day, minute by minute. I wouldn’t like to control what will happen.

Shirt and Trousers Marni – Accessories Garçon De Famille // Sweater Prada
Is there a movie, or a book, that marked your life in some way?
Yes, one movie above all. It’s ‘The Notorious Big’. I’ve read some books, but I haven’t enjoyed any in particular. I’m not a reading enthusiast.
Right now, what point in your career do you think you’ve reached?
I’m well underway. Of course, you can always do much better. I don’t consider myself to have reached the finish line. The day I feel like that, I can say I made it, but until that day I’ll fight with all my strength.
Do you have a secret diary where you put down your thoughts?
Yes, to be honest with you I have one. That’s my mind, where everything is safe.
Who’s the first person you call when you get good or bad news?
The first person I call is my mother Fabiola. I love you, mum!
Would you ever go bungee jumping?
I’ve already done it and would do it again and again!

Total Look Gucci // Total Look Prada
Do you like gardening? Are you any good at it?
I love greenery and I do garden. Right now I only take care of flowers, mint, rosemary and sage. I mean, the basics. Anyhow, I hope that I’ll slowly learn more!
Are you superstitious? Do you have any rituals before a fashion show?
No, I’m not superstitious.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
My biggest weakness is…Tiramisu.
Are you a messy or super organised guy?
Unfortunately, I’m very messy even though I try with all my efforts not to be.
If you found Aladdin’s lamp, what would you ask for?
I’d ask them to make my dream come true! Who wouldn’t do it?

Total Look Homme Plissé Issey Miyake // Total Look Marni – Accessories Garçon De Famille